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Young Citizens Program

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2023 Young Citizens Contest

This year, Canada's History Society will be offering the Young Citizens contest in a similar format how the contest has been held since 2018. Students can submit videos on a voluntary basis and between four and six students nation-wide will be selected as winners.

Any student that has created a Heritage Fairs project can create a video. Students can collaborate on videos but only one student can be the "star/director/producer" of each video and have their name attached to it for the contest.

Students do not have to physically appear in their videos, nor do they have to film on location or have any interviews. (Depending on their topic, these might be not feasible or outright impossible.) Videos can also contain dramatic skits, re-enactments, or interviews with historical characters as long as everyone involved is given credit. Stick-drawings on a whiteboard can communicate the topic very effectively if done well!

 The contest itself: Students prepare four-minute videos on an aspect of their Heritage Fair topic and submit these videos to Canada’s History for a deadline of June 5thPlease note that a video created by an individual student is eligible for the Young Citizens program (due to rules set by Canada’s History). Students who created a project together may submit two separate videos and compete against each other in the national contest, or only one student may choose to be the face of the video and thus also be the one to be selected as a winner.

Videos must meet the following criteria: 1) between 3-4 minutes in length (some seconds below or above acceptable); and 2) effectively communicates the topic and story.


Past Contest Winners (2014-2022)