Now accepting student registrations for the in-person Regional Fairs and project submissions for our Virtual Heritage Fair!

Virtual Heritage Fair

Feature Image


(Videos now available)

Before submitting your project, remember:

  • include a photo
  • choose a category from among those listed below on this page (Photo Presentation; Written Presentation; Mixed Non-video Presentation; Video Presentation; Creative Presentation)
  • - the form has room for four files, but you can send more files through file-sharing, email, or a second submission form
  • email to confirm that your project was received, especially if you are including large files (you can also email directly with large files, links to YouTube, or links to file sharing)
  • if you are submitting a project in the Creative Presentation category as well as a project in another category, please create two submissions

View Virtual Fair Resources


2025 Timeline:

  • December (2024) 
    • Registration Opens
      • Teachers can register their classes for the Virtual Heritage Fair and in-person Regional Fairs
        • At this point, registration is a declaration of intent to participate
      • Students can also register independently at this time for the Virtual Heritage Fair
      • Registration can be done by a teacher, parent, or student
  • January/February/March/April
  • April
    • April 29 – Deadline for Project Submissions (Virtual Heritage Fair)
    • Projects will be uploaded as close to May 1 as possible
  • May/June
    • Regional Fairs (dates TBA)
    • Judging for the Virtual Heritage Fair (May 1-May 23)
      • Winners announced (May 26)
      • Top finalists will be invited to attend the in-person Provincial Heritage Fair
      • Provincial Heritage Fair - Wednesday, June 4 at Government House
      • Prizes and certificates will be mailed to award winners and all participants by the end of June

Projects will remain viewable online over the summer and into the fall (and can be used as a resource for teachers). Photos will be uploaded to Heritage Saskatchewan's Flickr account after the Virtual Heritage Fair has ended.

Procedure from Student’s Perspective:

  1. Students (or their parents/teachers on their behalf) can register at any time between December and the beginning of April. We encourage registering separately from submitting projects, but both can be done at the same time.
    • Benefits of registering early:
      • Heritage Saskatchewan will be on the lookout for a project from the student (or multiple projects from the teacher's class), so it will be less likely the project will get lost due to technical issues
      • Heritage Saskatchewan can plan for specific judging needs (i.e. language)
      • Heritage Saskatchewan will only extend the project submission deadline for students (or their class) who have already registered
  2. Students who are doing a project as part of their class and whose teacher registered them can do their projects as normal for the Heritage Fairs program. Teachers are responsible for registering their students for the Virtual Fair and for ensuring that their students submit their projects. (If teachers register their classes as a whole, they do not have to individually register them as well. However, the projects themselves have to be submitted individually.)
  3. Students (or their parent/teacher) submit their projects through the online platform. 
  4. Once projects are received, the work of the students is done. 
  5. The winners of the 2025 Virtual Heritage Fair will be announced online on May 26.

Project Categories

Due to the wide variety of projects eligible, Heritage Saskatchewan is dividing the projects into five categories so that projects of a similar type will be judged against each other.

View Virtual Fair Project Categories


Frequently Asked Questions

Have question about the Virtual Heritage Fair process, topics and more? 

View Virtual Fair FAQs

Check out our province-wide Virtual Heritage Fair!

As of March 2022, there will be no Regional Heritage Fairs in the 2021-22 school year. There will be a Virtual Heritage Fair and a Provincial Heritage Fair.

View Virtual Fair