The Heritage Fair program provides a unique opportunity for students to explore their Saskatchewan and Canadian identities through the provincial curriculum. There are many online research resources to support the student research process.
We strongly encourage the use of archival materials in the development of Heritage Fair projects. To find out more about archives in Saskatchewan and about incorporating archives into Heritage Fairs, visit the Saskatchewan Council for Archives & Archivists website.
Sunny's book list
Stories are often what inspire students to create their Heritage Fairs project. As well as books included in the Saskatchewan curriculum, there are dozens of stories about Canadian history from ancient times to the present day!
Heritage Saskatchewan has prepared lists of Historical Fiction (over 500 titles) for middle grades. There is also a list of specifically Saskatchewan stories!
Heritage Saskatchewan is also working on a list of non-fiction resources.
Online resources
Canadian Encyclopedia
The authoritative on-line source for any topic related to Canada. This website includes a timeline of 6,000 significant Canadian events, most read articles and most recommended articles.
Encyclopedia of Saskatchewan
A comprehensive on-line source about Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan History Online
A fully searchable digital library/museum/archive/gallery of collections from across Saskatchewan. This website may be particularly helpful if you have already selected a topic about Saskatchewan and are trying to find additional information.
Virtual Exhibits and Digital Projects - SK Council for Archives & Archivists
The Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists has developed a list of many possible project topics and primary sources from archives in Saskatchewan related to support these.
Saskatchewan Archival Information Network (SAIN)
SAIN is a database of descriptions of archival material (original sources) held in Saskatchewan archives. There is a list of all archives in Saskatchewan including links to the archival information (original sources) available from these institutions.
Saskatchewan Archives Board
Once you have selected a Heritage Fair topic specifically about Saskatchewan, contact the Saskatchewan Archives Board through their online contact form to find out if they have any information (called a primary source). In the Search the Collection section there is detailed information about Homesteads, Regina Riot, the Great Depression, Sod Houses, Farms and the Regina Cyclone of 1912.
Western Development Museum
A collection of articles, papers and online exhibits about Saskatchewan specifically agriculture, cooperation, education, First Nations, healthcare, innovation, Métis, natural resources, transportation, war and weather.
Saskatchewan Timeline
Saskatoon Public School Division and the Western Development Museum partnered to develop a Saskatchewan timeline from 1905 and onward.
Archives Canada
Includes hundreds of virtual exhibits about Saskatchewan and Canadian history.
Virtual Museum of Canada
A searchable database of virtual museums across Canada including Aboriginal Art, Culture and Traditions, Arts in Canada, Canada at War, Canadian Musical Traditions, Canadian Women, Science and Medicine, et cetera
CBC/Radio Canada Archives
The CBC/Radio Canada has collected thousands of CBC radio and television clips from the past seven decades into hundreds of topics that can be viewed or listened to on the website. Possible topics on Aboriginal issues include A Lost Heritage: Canada’s Residential Schools, A Celebration of Aboriginal Heritage, What is Happening to the Family Farm, Eaton’s: A Canadian Institution, Cars in Canada. Categories such as Agriculture, Banks, Business, Consumer Goods, Natural Resources
Canadian Historical Association
The Canadian Historical Association developed a series of booklets which describe the experience of numerous ethnic groups. These booklets are archived on this website and include “Scots in Canada”, “Portuguese in Canada”, “Japanese in Canada”, et cetera. This website also includes booklets about the development of Canadian provinces including “the making of the Maritime provinces”, “Newfoundland: A History”, et cetera.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Available in both English and French, the Dictionary of Canadian Biography includes over 8500 biographies of individuals relating to Canadian history from 1000 to 1940. In addition, this website includes research resources and educational toolkits to promote historical thinking. There are also features on early explorers, Canada's Wartime Prime Ministers, the First World War, and the War of 1812.
The Dictionary of Canadian Biography is affiliated with and financed by an endowment to the University of Toronto and Laval University. They have new biographies posted weekly!
Saskatchewan Association of Conservation Officers
This is a resource about Saskatchewan's natural heritage as well as hunting and fishing information.
Voices Into Action
This is a resource about human rights history in Canada.
List of research resources on specific topics