Heritage Fairs Toolkit Booklet - NEW & UPDATED with more content!
First Edition (2015): Available online in English and French
Second Edition (2018): Available online in English and French (2020)
Resources for Virtual Heritage Fairs
Heritage Fairs Tip Sheets
7 Myths About Heritage Fairs Projects (2018)
10 Tips for Researching Your Heritage Fairs Project (2018)
10 Tips for Designing Your Heritage Fairs Project (2018)
10 Tips for Transporting Your Heritage Fairs Project (2018)
10 Tips for Giving Your Heritage Fairs Presentation (2018)
Standard Judging Rubric Available in English and French.
Sunny's Book List - Heritage Fairs
Stories are often what inspire students to create their Heritage Fairs project. As well as books included in the Saskatchewan curriculum, there are dozens of stories about Canadian history from ancient times to the present day!
Heritage Saskatchewan has prepared a list of Canadian Heritage Fiction (over 500 titles) for middle grades. This includes historical fiction as well as some more contemporary heritage topics. There is also a list of specifically Saskatchewan stories! Feel free to download these for your home or classroom use.
Saskatchewan (& Pre-Saskatchewan Territories) Heritage
- African-Canadian Heritage
- Asian-Canadian Heritage
- First Nations & Métis Heritage
- French-Canadian Heritage (English)
- Jewish-Canadian Heritage
- General Canadian Heritage by Topic
- General Canadian Heritage by Region
If you know of any titles that you think ought to be included, or you think ought to be in a specific category, please let our Education Coordinator know. Heritage Saskatchewan is also working on a list of non-fiction resources and a list of resources in French.
Also, the Canadian Children's Book Centre's Teacher's Book Bank has many historical fiction and non-fiction titles that will be helpful resources and starting points for Heritage Fairs.
Other Resources:
Teachers participating in the Heritage Fair program have developed their own resources to support participation in the program. We understand that every teacher has their own approach to inquiry learning and these documents are provided only as suggestions because we understand that in Saskatchewan every teacher has the opportunity to make curricula work for them!
Inquiry Learning – Heritage Fair Example
A package of information that Laurie Chan of Saskatoon uses to support inquiry learning and students development of their Heritage Fair project.
La fete du patrimoine - Curriculum Support for French Immersion
A package of information compiled by teachers from Gateway Elementary School.
Are you a teacher participating in the Heritage Fair program that has a document we can add to this section? Do you have an assessment tool, graphic organizer, jot note sheet, bibliographical information organizer, et cetera that is working well? Why not share this resource with other participating teachers? Contact Katherine Gilks to have your resource added to this section.
Other Resources for Teachers & Students:
Choose Your Voice - Canadian curriculum resources about human rights for Grs. 5-8 (No cost) Includes information for students.
Voices Into Action - Canadian curriculum resources about human rights for Grs. 8-12 (No cost) Includes information for students.
Concentus Citizenship Education Foundation - Education resources for K-12 citizenship education
Defining Moments Canada - Resources about researching, storytelling, and writing history, using the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-20 as a case study. Grs. 6+
Royal BC Museum Learning Portal on Heritage Fairs